Friday, April 17, 2015

Spring Cleaning

Hey guys,
       I know I am a little late to join the party that is spring cleaning, but I had a revelation on Wednesday. So, a little info on yours truly...I am a sophomore in high school. Well, it was Wednesday and it was one of those days where everything was done and I got bored, so I started cleaning out my binder...then I moved to my computer bag...and I got to thinking. Why not just do everything. So, then I said "Hey, I don't have a blog for this week yet”.... and guess what? Here it is!!! Now, I am not just going to tell you about my spring-cleaning and leave you. I thought I would give you some tips!

1. Get rid of all papers that have no meaning to you and are not important for upcoming and current events.
This one is more for students, but it could work for adults to. I like to separate papers into three piles: don't need, graded, and current. Normally I throw away the don't need papers, keep the stack of graded papers somewhere I know I can find them, and organize the current papers back into my binder according to subject.

2.  Use different mason jars to organize your desk. 
I actually did not come up with this one on my own...My mom actually did this for me, but I am in love with it because it saves so much time from homework. I used to have to dig in a pencil bag to find a highlighter, now it takes me two seconds.

3. Go through your closet and anything you have not worn in the past month/year (with the exception of dresses and formal clothing) get rid of it!
I can't even tell you how many shirts have sat in my closet for countless months or even years, not being touched. I am one of the worst people. Because I continually say that I will clean out my closet, but I never do.

4. Organize your bookshelves.
I have an overwhelming amount of books that I probably have not touched for years...there has just been a stack growing in my room. What I ended up doing was creating categories: book series that are completely finished, book series I have not finished, book series I started and then finished on my nook, books for school reports, and finally books I have to finish or have not read yet.
5. Put your shoes in your shoe rack.
I also really struggle with this one. I change shoes at least twice a day so I often don't think anything of it and throw them on the floor. Well, let me be the first to tell you ladies. When you clean up a pile of shoes, it is a lot like cleaning out your purse. You have no clue what you will find.

6. Make your bed.
Honestly, it just looks neater and speaking from personal experience, it just looks neater.

7. Clean out your shower and your bathroom.
My main problem with this is hair in my shower and putting the things in my bathroom away.

Unfortunately I will not be at home this weekend to do my spring-cleaning, but I can promise you guys I will be doing my it as soon as possible. See you later!

‘Cause even the stars they burn, some even fall to the earth ~ Jason Mraz

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