Sunday, April 5, 2015

My Dilemmas

Hey guys,
            So, I have  a few dilemmas that I would like to share with you regarding this blog.
1.     I don’t think my writing is that great. I need to figure out a better way to write posts that actually would keep you guys interested. Maybe I change the basis for the blog…I don’t know I will have to think of something. What if I pitched ideas on this blog and then had another one that I actually did things on…like I said I’m just brainstorming
2.     Pictures. So, if it is not already obvious…I get most of my pictures off of the Internet. There are two main reasons for that.
a.     Most of the pictures I want to post are just basic and non personal pictures
b.     I am not quite satisfied with my camera skills. I mean every once in a while I will get a photo I really like, but that is very rare.

3.     Time. I know most of you are looking at that and saying you should have thought of that before you started the blog in the first place but you have to understand something. It took me a month after having the idea of a blog and coming up with the first two posts to actually create anything. Since then, I have been busy with sports and homework and just plain writers block. Part of that goes back to the fact that I think I need to open the blog up to more things than just entertainment
Those are just a few of the things I am struggling with…of course that does not mean I am going to stop blogging, I just might move some things around more. That is all I have for you guys today. Look for some changes and see you guys later!

I’m dying to live. Something’s gotta give. ~All Time Low

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