Tuesday, June 23, 2015

West Coast Adventure Travel Log: Seattle Washington

Hey people,
       So the next stop on my trip was Seattle, Washington and it was pretty cool. Unfortunately because I put off writing the blog, I don't have a million things to say about it but I will fill you guys in as much as I can on the coolest parts of the time I spent there!
       The first day was pretty neat because we went to all the really famous and tourist-type places. The first thing we did, and if your smart you would too, is of course go to the original Starbucks! Then we went to the EMP museum which was freaking awesome if you are into music and movies like I am...I saw Star Wars costumes!!! Then we went to lunch at the Space Needle which was really neat because you could see the entirety of the skyline of Seattle. The rest of the day was spent wandering throughout the art of Seattle and the last thing we did that day was ride the great wheel. 
            Day 2 in Seattle was the more relaxed and wandering day. We took two boat tours, one of which was actually a bus tour that turned into a boat tour!!! We also went to Pike's Place which was cool except for the fact that I was terrified of being pick pocketed. We also went to the aquarium and saw an Octopus!!!! P.S. I love octopi <3 OH!!! And the like grossest, but in my twisted mind, coolest thing was the gum wall!!
            The thing I probably loved the most about Seattle was all the art that it had... It made it feel fun and it was so pretty. I am so sorry I got behind but I kind of got caught up in vacation, as I should, but I am catching up now!!! 

 And I sure would like some sweet company...~ Anna Kendrick

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